Showing posts with label Blue Screen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Screen. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

3 Ways of Repairing the Windows Blue Screen

The most frustrating computer error of all, the blue screen that pops up out of no where and almost always when you're in the middle of something very important. The screen appears listing some strange cryptic message of numbers and letters about something going wrong. For us average computer users we have no idea what the heck is happening, I hope this article can help.

Once you've read through this article and tried each of the steps I hope that you will be able to cure your windows blue screen blues. Each of these tasks you can do on your own, and I suggest you give each one of them a try before you send your computer into a repair shop.

NOTE: Before you attempt any of these steps you should ensure you have a Windows restore point set, and that all of your important files and documents are backed up externally some how. This will ensure if anything went wrong you won't be at a total loss.

One: Scan your Windows Registry for Errors

Few computer users know what the Windows registry is. It's a grouping of files and information that really keeps Windows running. Every piece of software that is or has been installed on your PC makes a modification to the Registry system, and small errors can cause big problems.

If you don't have a registry cleaner I suggest you try Regcure a well known registry repair solution. They offer a free scan tool so you can scan your entire PC for errors in the registry before you have to spend a dime.

Two: Virus and Spyware Scanning

It's rare that a virus or piece of adware will envoke the blue screen error but it's not impossible. It's worth it to take the time to run a virus or adware scanner on your PC to look for these items and correct them if they exist.

If you don't have a piece of software to do either of these scans you can get a free virus scanner from Grisoft (AVG antivirus) and a free spyware/adware scanner from Lavasoft (Adaware).

Three: Un-install and Re-install Program(s)

When the blue screen error appears does it happen with the same program(s) consistently? If so it's possible that there is something corrupt with the file(s) of that particular program. The good news is this is one of the easier items to repair so long as you have the program(s) backed up.

Visit your control panel, then the Add/Remove programs icon. There you'll find a listing of all the programs on your PC. You can select programs to remove from this list. Once you've removed it you can then do a fresh install of that program.

NOTE: before you rush off to remove any programs ensure you do have the ability to re-install the program, and that you backup any of your personal files associated with that program as well.

What's Next if These Steps Don't Work?

There of course is a chance that none of this will improve the performance of your computer and you'll still be getting the blue screen error. If this is the case then you have two options.

There's always a chance that none of these items will fix the blue screen errors you're getting on. If this is the case there are two other options you can take.

1.) You can take your PC into a repair shop and let them take a go at it. Be prepared to spend a few bucks, and ensure you have everything backed up because there's a good chance they'll reformat everything.

2.) You can restore windows and format your hard drive yourself rather then paying a tech shop to do this. Again be sure you have everything backed up of course, because once you reformat and restore your Windows install you'll likely lose everything.

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