Header navigation plays a significant role in web designing. Not only tools but also a better navigation is important for the creation of an effective and user friendly website. And it is a better solution to cut short long menu which is overwhelming your screen place. Here we are going to list some scripts on navigation menu those will help you to enhance your header navigation.
1.Smooth menu
This smooth navigation menu is CSS based multi level navigation menu that is created by using jQuery. It makes website navigation smooth. Its remarkable features allow you to specify delay before the appearance of sub menu and it disappears when you scroll mouse over. You can also customize or remove the depth of the accompanying shadow.
2.JQuery simple drop down menu
This jQuery simple drop down menu requires jQuery library. This menu has only 2o lines of code. So now you can create main menu structure using HTML unordered list. It helps to change and edit compound cases. The newly created script has some features like when you roll mouse over the button the old layer closes and the new one opens and when you roll out mouse from the button it turns in to a timer to close all layers.
3.JQuery ipod style and flyout menus
JQuery iPod style menu provides easy navigation to complex nested structures with number of levels. This menu requires small area and when you selected a node automatically a back button will appears bellow the menu to allow navigation to previous menu. On the other hand flyout menu is specifically for smaller hierarchical options and it is suitable for smaller data sets.
4.JQuery CSS example dropdown menu
This jQuery CSS example dropdown menu includes an extremely basic and powerful technique. To maintain structure and semantic approach it uses unordered list. To create this some basic hover techniques are used those are included in CSS. You can also use CSS to hide the child unordered list and show them with the hover pseudo class.
5.Create the fanciest drop down menu you ever saw
This fanciest drop down menu based on the Brian Cray’s drop down menu code. The benefits of this code are you can put the menu anywhere in the site within a second and you can handle multiple drop down menus. It covers variable width tabs and drop down menus. To make it look fancy you can add colors and images.
6.A different top navigation
Here are tips to create a different multi layered horizontal navigation. You can use cross browser rounded corners to get rounded corner buttons. And jQuery to animate a top slider and to control the appearance of children unordered lists and you can also use it to create dynamic close capability.
7.Simple jQuery dropdowns
This simple dropdown menu has very stripped down codes and minimal styling. But even though it is simple it is capable to do all the functions. Some important features of this menu are it has cross browser compatibility, multi level, minimal style and a very small Javascript.
8.Drop down menu jQuery – CSS
This tutorial shows you how to create a sexy drop down menu. Firstly you need to create an unordered list for your base top navigation and then you can nest another sub list for your sub navigation. You can also add drop down triggers to it.
9.To create a drop down nav menu with html5 CSS3 and jQuery
With the help of HTML5 and CSS3 you can create a humble dropdown navigation menu. HTML5 helps to create vertical and horizontal menu and CSS3 provides you some properties such as rounded corners and drop shadows to style your navigation menu.
10.Reinventing drop downwith CSS and JQuery
A simple HTML structure is used to create this navigation menu. Here instead of using unordered list to create a list a definition list element is used but it is similar to unordered list. The only difference between these two lists is definition list consist of two different elements one is Definition Term and the other is DD (definition). These elements used to show collapsed sate with currently selected option and to show all the available options.
11.Superfish menu
A superfish is an enhanced suckerfish style menu. It automatically detects the hoverintent plugin and uses its advanced hover behavior for the mouse over. It indicates the presence of sub menus and it can also show the path of your current page. The callback functionality allows you to add further functionality without changing the code.
12.Animated drop down menu with jQuery
Here is a description that shows you how to create an animated dropdown menu. It is created with the help of an unordered list and in inside it has two lists each contains a navigation link. Then you need to insert an image that could be serves as image heading and it is visible even when drop down menu is vanished.
13.Mc drop down jQuery plugin
Mc drop down jQuery plugin creates a multi hierarchical select UI component. The important features of this menu are it automatically split into columns, it is positioned to stay in the screen, autocomplete keyboard entry and when opened menu automatically scrolls into viewport.
14.Mega drop downs with CSS and jQuery
The mega dropdown menu is more efficient for large scale websites. It is able to overcome the drawbacks of regular dropdown menus.
15.Sliding jQuery menu
This tutorial shows you how to create sliding menu using jQuery. You can align your menu button and you can also add it your desired color and font size.
The jdMenu plugin is a solution for creating clean, simple and elegant hierarchical drop down menu. You can use this menu for both personal or commercial projects.
17.One dim gray menu
This jQuery menu includes many features like full cross browser compatibility, search engine optimize, easy to setup and update, fine animation and transition effect, multiple pre designed color schemes and it is extremely small. It is accessible even when javascript is turned off. You can customize its style with the help off CSS.
18.Create a multilevel drop down menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery
This tutorial shows you how to create a multilevel dropdown menu and how to improve it with the help of jQuery. Firstly you need to create a dropdown menu by using CSS. And then you can improve it with the help of jQuery. You can also set the height attribute to identify line height.
19.JQuery drop down menu for RSS subscription
Here is a simple way to create simple drop down menu for RSS subscription. To create this you need to style the main UL menu list and then the second UL menu list. The parent list could be in relative position but the child list must be in absolute position.
20.Easy to style jQuery drop down menu
The main objective behind the creation of this menu is to make it as simple as possible. With the help of CSS you can modify it into your own design and you can also put background images, hover effect and you can change the submenu popup animation.
21.Free CSS drop down menu
This simple CSS drop down menu includes few important features they are easily deployable and easily transformable and the themes are categorized as modular. The definitions are categorized into structural and thematic.
MenuMatic is a mootool 1.2 class that takes a semantic ordered or unordered list of links and turns it into a dynamic dropdown menu. It is search engine friendly, usable, stylish and flexible navigation menu.
23.Sexy sliding Javascript side bar menu using mootools
To save the space in web page this menu is created. To give it smoothness and effect mootools are used.
24.Circular submenus
The simple single level circular menu adds a sub menu level of smaller icons in a circular pattern. You can add a simple description for each icon. These icons are taken from milky set.
25.Create Vimeo like top navigation
This Vimeo like top navigation offers you different search options that you can choose and narrow your search. This drop down menu created out with the base of simple CSS drop down menu.
26.Apple menu improved with jQuery
This apple menu is created by using HTML and CSS and it is improved with the help of jQuery. The code for the creation of this menu is simple and easily understandable.
27.Hover box menu
The hoverbox menu helps to solve the problem of overlapping by the larger rollover images. This hoverbox code uses two elements one is for thumbnail and another is for larger image. The images are controlled by CSS.
28.Droppy navigation
There is no proper options available for the creation this droppy na create droopy navigation no proper options available. It just includes some Javascript and CSS resources. This is a Quick and dirty dropdown menu as jQuery styleee menu.
The jQuery mb component includes four dropdown menus like mb jQuery components, mb Creativity, mb network and mb info each contains submenus. These mb menus are good solution to make short long menus.
30.Uvumi tools drop down
The Uvumi tools drop down menu is simple and multilevel drop down menu. It is created by HTML unordered list, using mootools and Javascript framework. To create this Javascript knowledge is not required. The script fully relies on HTML so that you can easily remodel your menu and adding a new item to your menu is also very simple. It is easily customizable you can change the size and the color with CSS.
31.Moo tools drop down menu
Moo tools dropdown menu is compatible with all popular browsers including webkit browser such as chrome and safari.
32.SW drop down menu
This script was developed for web project and it is basically structured with an unordered list. You may also add no script section to inform your users what they are missing.
33.Designing the digg header how to download
This navigation is compacted with the use of simple dropdown menus. You can write important aspects like subscribing, searching and account information at the top of the menu where exactly you want. It is used fluid width and to prevent it from growing big and shrinking you need to fix minimum width.
34.Simple CSS vertical menu digg like
This tutorial describes you how to implement a simple menu dig like using CSS. To add show and hide option you can use Javascript.
35.WordPress multi level drop down menu using jQuery
This tutorial helps you to build a simple multi level dropdown menu in wordpress. To ensure cross browser compatibility it uses jQuery Javascript library.
36.Izzy menu
Izzymenu is easy to use online menu builder that allows you to build CSS and HTML menu with in few seconds. It offers dozens of ready style you can choose one among them. This easy online menu generator is the best solution for amateurs and also for professionals.
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