Monday, November 30, 2009

Computer hacking should not always be considered as negative

A hacker is a computer follower who enjoys programming
, solving problems related to it, trying to increase computer capabilities, learning all the details of a particular piece of software, and so on. Sometimes the term hacker is also related to a person who gains unauthorized access to computer systems with some malicious intent. A hacker who is engaged in constructive practice considers this an offensive misuse of the term.

The practice of altering computer hardware and software to achieve certain goal is known as computer hacking and the people who engages in these activities are called hackers. Since the word "hack" is
used in negative sense, some hackers claim that this term is disrespectful and fails to provide
appropriate recognition to their skills.
The term computer hacking is most common among teenagers and young adults. It is considered to be an "art" form by many hackers who are true
technology buffs and enjoy learning more about how computers work. They love programming and have expert level skill in one particular program. For these individuals, computer hacking is a chance to show their strength, and not always an opportunity to harm others.
Since most of the hackers are self-taught prodigies, some of the corporations actually hire these
computer hackers as part of their technical support staff. These individual are basically employed by the firms to use their skills to find faults in the company's security system so that they can be repaired quickly. This type of computer hacking helps prevent identity theft and other serious computer related crimes
This term should not always be treated in negative sense. Sometimes, it can also lead to constructive technological developments. Many of the skills developed from hacking apply to more mainstream pursuits. There have been many hackers who have contributed in the constructive technological development, for example, former hackers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson went on to build the UNIX operating system in the 1970s. Later, this had a great impact on the development of Linux.
There are also some hackers who have less noble motives, they use their skills to steal personal information, alter a corporation's financial data, break security codes to have unauthorized network access. This type of computer hacking can sent you to a federal prison for up to 20 years.
If you are interested in protecting your computer against malicious hackers, then it is recommended to invest in a good firewall. Also, check your software programs for updates on the regular basis.

About me:-
I am computer security specialist for iYogi, a leading IT support based in India, iYogi provides computer computer security services via phone and remote access for home users and small businesses worldwide. Live 24 /7 support coverage extends to technologies that we use every day.
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