Sunday, December 13, 2015

احتراف صيانة المحمول

يسرنا ان نقدم لكم مرجع شامل فى صيانة المحمول يساعدك على الاحتراف فى عالم الصيانة و يشمل جميع الاعطال والطرق السليمه لحلها وسيتم وضع الحل وفقا للاسهل والامن حتى لايتعرض احد منا الى ضرر او خساره ............ والله الموفق نبدأ بالقاعده الاساسيه لبناءالمحمول القاعدة الاساسية لبناء المحمول ________________________________________ اولا : هل يوجد تشابه بين المحمول والكمبيوتر ؟؟؟؟ نعم يوجد تشابه فكلاهما يحتوى على الاتى 1 وحدات ادخال input devices 2 وحدة معالجة مركزية central processing unit 3 وحدات اخراج output devices 4 وحدة التخزين الداخلية internal storage التى تحتوى على ::::: أ- rom read only memory ذاكرة للقرأة فقط ب-ram random acces memory ذاكرة الوصول العشوائى يوجد هذا التشابه لتنظيم سير العمليات داخل الجهاز : نبداء خريطة الشرح لننتهى من حيث بدأنا 1 ccont power management ic هوعبارة عن مجموعة كبيرة من البوابات المنطقية logical gates المختلفة الانظمة تقوم هذه البوابات بتوزيع الطاقة لباقى دوائر المحمول او منعها عنها وفقا لتزامن محدد( عدد معين من المرات فى الثانية الواحدة )..... 2 كريستالة التزامن 32khz /clk sleep clock عبارة عن كريستالة تصدر 32الف ذبذبة فى الثانية مسؤلة عن ضبط تزامن عمل ال ccont .. عطلها يؤدى الى قصور فى وظائف ال ccont 3 cobba mixed rf and audio codec اسمحوا لى قبل ان ابداء شرح الcobba ان اشرح شئ مهم اولا هناك نوعان من الصوت صوت خطى مثال الصوت الخارج من ميكروفون المسجد مؤذن مايك سلك مكبر صوت سلك واخيرا الميكروفون ثانيا صوت رقمى او ديجيتال فى صورة داتا او معلومات مشفرة او مكودة مثال الصوت الخارج من المحمول الى الشبكة العمومية الى ان يتم استقباله فى المحمول الاخر ..... نعود مجددا لشرح الcobba هى دائرة متكاملة لها وظيفتان اساسيتان ووظيفة فرعية >>>>> 1- تكويد الصوت و تحويله من خطى الى رقمى ومن رقمى الى خطى 2- مزج الصوت المكود من خطى الى رقمى مع الموجة الحاملة وارساله الى دوائر الشبكة بالجهاز لأرساله ومن ثم فك تكويد الصوت الرقمى الى خطى وارساله الى دائرة الصوت بالجهاز و تفريغ الموجة الحاملة فى الارضى ... 3- الوظيفة الفرعية إعطاء امر تشغيل الاضاءة لل ui تحتوى على ثلاثة قنوات للصوت إثنين مستخدمين فى معظم الاجهزة والثالث يسنخدم فى اجهزة معينة فقط مثل 9110 ... 4-user interface switch ايسي واجهة المستخدم وهو ايضا دائرة متكاملة مسؤلة عن تشغيل الجرس و الاضاءة و الهزاز يتم اعطاء امر تشغيل الجرس والهزاز للui عن طريق البروسيسور mad وامر تشغيل الاضاءة من الcobba ..... 5- mad system processor وحدة التحكم الرئيسية بها تتم جميع عمليات الحساب والمنطق وكذلك عمليات التحكم فى جميع دوائر المحمول يلزمها للتعامل بشكل صحيح 3 دوائر متكاملة وهم كالتالى::: 1-(6) flash وهى ذاكرة معلومات تحتوى على أ- mcu master control unit وهو نظام التشغيل الاساسى مثل الويندوز ب- ppm post programaple memory جزء من نظام التشغيل يحتوى على مجموعة النغمات الرئيسية و مجموعة اللغة مساحة الflash هى 1024kx16bit = 16mbits 2-(7) ram random access memory وهى ذاكرة خالية تحتوى على المعلومات المتطايرة يستخدمها الmad للحصول على سرعة اكبر فى التعامل مع مختلف الدوائر واستعاء المعلومات من الflash و الeeprom 3-(8) eeprom وهى ايضا ذاكرة محتواها كالاتى أ-السيريال وهو الرقم التعريفى للجهاز ب-رمز الحماية securety code ج-sp locks special provider locks اقفال الشبكة د-life timer عداد الوقت الكلى ه-net calipration ناتج معايرة الشبكة و- power management ضبط معدل استهلاك الطاقة س- النغمات المضافة ح-الاسماء المخزنة على ذاكرة الجهاز وهنا لانقصد ال3210 ....... 9-pscc ic وهو ايسى الشحن وله وظيفتان أ- تثبيت التيار القادم للجهاز من الشاحن staplization procces ب- دائرة توحيد وتنعيم للتيار لتحويله الى تيار ثابت يصل الى البطارية regulation procces يتم تغذيته عن طريق الccont والتحكم به عن طريق الmad 10- dc/dc convertor محول الجهد ووظيفته هى تحويل الجهد الثابت الى جهد ثابت اخر بمقدار مختلف وتغذية الccont به (نقصد هنا التيار الخارج من البطارية ) 11-13mhz/clk system clock تقوم بارسال 13مليون ذبذبة فى الثانية للmad لضبط تزامنه الخاص بالعمليات وليستطيع التعامل مع الاوامر المعطاة له عند غلق الجهاز مثال على ذلك ضبط المنبه وغلق الجهاز فيقوم الmad بفتح الجهاز واعطاء الانذار فى الوقت المحدد له 13mhz فى ال3210 وباقى الاجهزة 26mhz . نهيب نظر سيادتكم ان ما تعرضنا له بالشرح السابق هو جهاز النوكيا ال3210 كمثال ندعوكم لمشاهدة الموضوع فى الرابط الاصلى ومعرفة المزيد

Coding courses online

Subhashini Ramen Founder & CEO At Sankara Arts Top 10 Websites To Learn Coding Online February 6, 2015 • 62 View • 3 Like • 1 Comment Codecademy Codecademy is indisputably the most famous website to teach you to code interactively, thanks to its helpful interface and well-structured courses. Upon visiting the main page, you can already start tasting the programming right away, with its motivating on-screen console. Pick a course that Codecademy offers from Web Fundamentals, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby and APIs. Inside each lesson is a panel that explains necessary code and instruction. Another panel allows you to get your hands dirty by writing acceptable code, then checking if you are doing the right thing. Don’t worry about making mistakes, as both instruction and code panels will warn you of errors, and provide hints. It is as if there’s a kind teacher right beside you. Code Avengers Code Avengers is designed to make you love programming. Though it only offers HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript course for now, each of the courses is carefully designed to truly entertain you while leveling your programming skills painlessly. At the end of each lesson you also get to play a mini game to release your cumulated stress, and keep you going for longer. Code Avengers has a gradual approach to interactive learning. It does not explain too much knowledge that isn’t essential for beginners, just a bit of code and playful instruction, making things very easy to digest. You also get to play with the code, then see the impact of the changes immediately. It is carefully crafted with the beginner’s comfort in mind. Code School After you finished courses in Codecademy or Code Avengers, and you are ready to further expand your capabilities, Code School is the next quality website you should land on. Unlike most interactive learning sites, Code School offers more in-depth courses to train and turn you into an expert with the industry’s best practices. Overall, the courses are categorized into 4 main paths, and they are . Ruby . JavaScript . HTML/CSS . iOS Almost all courses are aggressively polished with impressive design and informative screencasts, though the challenges after the screencast might bit a bit hard for amateurs. Luckily, there are hints and answers to refer to. While most of the offered courses are free, certain ones will require you to spend $25/month to access the entire course including all screencasts and challenges, and also all other courses in Code School. Treehouse Treehouse courses are more project-oriented than language-oriented, so they are perfect for novice programmer with a planned purpose, such as building a website, or an application. For example, the Websites course is all about building a responsive website, interactive website or even WordPress theme – a very practical and efficient way to master related languages. Nonetheless, they have released a plethora of foundation courses with a video-then-quiz approach. For Treehouse, every course is divided into different stages or modules, and beyond every first stage the learner will be invited to pay a monthly subscription fee of $25 to access all courses with 650+ videos, and an exclusive Treehouse Members Forum as a bonus. If you are serious about your programming future, you could subscribe the $49 monthly plan to obtain in-depth interviews with leading industry pros and cutting-edge workshops. LearnStreet If you are that kind of personnel who do not fancy playful design and prefer to deal with cold hard codes, LearnStreet is probably your thing. It currently offers JavaScript, Python and Ruby courses at beginner level. With a click on the ‘Start Course’ button you will start the lesson with an exercise, a code interpreter and a glossary panel (for new programming terms). LearnStreet adopts command prompt-styled code interpreters with human language to explain function and encourage you whenever possible, the kind of command prompt you want for your own local machine. However, the code interpreter could be as rude as standard command prompt, as most of the times it requires you to type in the absolute same code and content it asks for. Other than that, it’s truly friendly and enjoyable, and most importantly, free. Udacity Udacity is the unification of insightful video lectures and improved quizzes to achieve the interactive feel for students, so it’s ideal for those who don’t like to read but rather get explanations from industry professionals such as Google employees. You will be given a screencast from pros discussing the topics and instructions, then you will take either logic or programming quizzes to strengthen your understanding or forge it into a skill. The good thing about Udacity is it provides more videos than any other site, and the instructors are either real-life professors or industry veterans. The only pitfall here is most courses are not much related to each other, so Udacity is probably not your starting point, but a virtual university to further your study. CodeHS At this point all websites you read here are mainly dedicated to web development and computer science, but CodeHS is one with simple and fun game programming lessons that involve problem solving, JavaScript, animation, data structures, game design and puzzle challenges. The advantage of CodeHS is it teaches you to think, and solve a problem like a programmer with its first course, Programming with Karel. The lessons are fun as you will learn how to use the code to move the dog, Karel to complete given tasks and puzzles like picking up ball and building a towel. It plants a solid concept of programming and the way it solves the problem systematically in your mind. Other than the course mentioned above, you must sign up first with $25 per month to continue your learning journey, but it’s a perfect site to learn basic game programming effectively. Khan Academy Although Khan Academy’s courses are not as structured as CodeHS, it serves as an open playground for both novice and amateurs particularly interested in learning drawing, animation and user interaction with code. It does not preach any specific programming language, but the code pattern it adopts can be applied anywhere, as a majority of languages share the similar programming pattern. You can first join the Programming Basics course to watch and learn basic concepts, then explore the given code after the video tutorial to validate your doubts. With Khan Academy, you can save your modification as a Spin-Off for everyone to enjoy and customize. There have been hundreds of spin-offs just from one lesson in one course, so imagine the community size, and the lesson’s effectiveness. Scratch 2.0 Think CodeHS and Khan Academy are still too hardcore for your child, who has no comprehension beyond basic English? No worries, there is something even easier for your aspiring next-gen programmer, and it’s called Scratch. Previously an offline software that allow kids to create, upload and share their projects proudly, Scratch is now fully online with its 2.0 successor. It’s not about programming though, but a combination of visual blocks of commands that tell assigned objects how to behave, such as telling the cat to move 10 steps, or yell ‘meow’ when it touches the owner’s leg. By using this visual programming method, the young programmers will form a habit of breaking a problem into smaller blocks, and solve them one by one logically. SQLZOO Structured Query Language (SQL) is just a language purely designed to store and retrieve data from a database, so imagine the boredom you will experience when programming a warehouse. Yet SQLZOO wants you to learn SQL happily with its interactive interface and smileys. Since there is really nothing too deep to explain for a straightforward language like SQL, the site will only ask you to replace the variables like city names or population number, and raise the difficulty from that level. One huge let-down will be the shortage of hints, answers and forum, so you are probably doomed if you fail to solve any one of the quizzes, just like old times

Iphone 6s plus vs. Note5

than its Android-based rivals. How does the hardware compare between the latest iOS and Android devices? Since “phablets” demand more hardware resources, it is worth comparing the larger-sized Galaxy Note 5 and Apple iPhone 6S Plus devices against each other. The Galaxy Note 5 has a Samsung octa-core Exynos 7420 processor and 4GB RAM whereas the iPhone 6s Plus has a dual-core A9 chip and only 2GB RAM. Given the difference in hardware specs, the Note 5 should be faster but tests have proven otherwise. According to Geekbench’s benchmark scores, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 score is 1252 for single core and 4353 for multi-core while the iPhone 6s Plus score is 2488 for single-core and 4344 for multi-core. The release dates of the Galaxy Note 5 and Apple iPhone 6S Plus were August 21st and September 25th, respectively. David Rahimi of the mobile reviews company PhoneBuff recently compared the speed differences between the Galaxy Note 5 and Apple iPhone 6S Plus. Below is a video of the speed test:  In the video, Rahimi started out the test by opening the stopwatch app followed by system apps like the camera and photo gallery. The fast animations in the Galaxy Note 5 gave it a slight edge, but the iPhone 6S Plus started to catch up as more apps were opened. The iPhone 6S Plus ended up taking the lead in the first lap by about two seconds after gaming apps were opened. “This was one of the closest matches we have seen so far,” said Rahimi. Recommended by Forbes MOST POPULAR Martin Shkreli: 'I Would've Raised Prices Higher' MOST POPULAR Photos: The 10 Most Underemployed College Majors Right Now TRENDING ON LINKEDIN Five Signs Your Boss Is Incompetent MOST POPULAR Photos: The World’s Highest-Paid Actors 2015 MOST POPULAR Martin Shkreli: 'I Would've Raised Prices Higher' MOST POPULAR Photos: The 10 Most Underemployed College Majors Right Now  Multitasking weighed heavily against the Galaxy Note 5, despite the Samsung device having double the RAM than the iPhone 6S Plus. The iPhone 6S Plus had all of the apps ready to go in the background on the second lap of the speed test, but the Galaxy Note 5 still had to reload most of the apps. In the second lap, the Galaxy Note 5 actually lost by 16 seconds. The Galaxy Note 5 came out on top when PhoneBuff recently tested it against the LG G4 and OnePlus 2. By beating the Galaxy Note 5 in speed tests, the iPhone 6S Plus appears to be the fastest mobile device overall. What are your thoughts about the iPhone 6S Plus and Galaxy Note 5 speed test? Please leave a comment!

Software and weapons

Today, software can be a weapon. Malware has been used to spy on activists from Bahrain, and the Ethiopian government has targeted journalists while they were in the United States. Today, the United States is moving towards making sure surveillance software doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. But according to security experts, the proposed rules are too broad and are likely to interfere with research, therefore making computer systems less secure in the long run. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) today posted its proposed implementation of the Wassenaar Arrangement. That Arrangement would require anyone based in the US to get a license before exporting or transferring data used to create "intrusion software," or network surveillance systems, outside of North America. The Arrangement would be analogous to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), which the US government uses to control the export of weapons and materials used in weapons (until 1997, strong cryptography was even classified as arms and prohibited from export). The EU is already ahead of the US in the area of regulating surveillance software, having introduced its own measures late last year. This came shortly after human rights groups asked governments to take seriously the proliferation of surveillance software, the likes of which "often leads to further human rights violations including invasions of privacy, arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the silencing of free expression, preventing political participation, and crushing offline and online dissent," according to Humans Rights Watch. Indeed, that is the positive side of the Wassenaar Arrangement: the intention is to make sure that things such as exploits and computer vulnerabilities, which can be used to spy on political dissidents, won’t be provided to authoritarian regimes, for example. This could have a knock-on effect on software reliability and security But the Wassenaar Arrangement has problems, and ones that could cause real interference in the security industry as a whole. "The Wassenaar definitions of intrusion software are overbroad, applying almost universally to elementary building blocks of security research," according to a paper written by security researchers Sergey Bratus, D J Capelis, Michael Locasto and Anna Shubina. That paper was published back in October 2014, during an earlier round of public commentary on the Wassenaar Arrangement. Although there are slight differences between the version of the Arrangement that the researchers commented on earlier and this latest one, "At a first glance, our previous concerns stand," Bratus told me over Twitter. The Wassenaar Arrangement, in an attempt to not interfere with legitimate work involving intrusion software outright, such as the research of discovering new computer vulnerabilities, does not put controls on intrusion software as a whole. Instead, it issues controls on software that is for the "generation, operation or delivery of, or communication with" intrusion software, or in other words, the foundations of such software. But that approach is arguably even more problematic, according to Bratus’ paper. The tools used to "develop, generate, automate and deploy" very important computer products such as antivirus, remote management software, and even operating systems are swept up in the language used in the Wassenaar Arrangement. In turn, this could have a knock-on effect on software reliability and security, and ironically, the research of “anti-surveillance measures” and “the discovery of existing vulnerabilities—and thus on fixing vulnerable systems,” the authors note. Rob Graham, a security research from Errata Security, tweeted that if the Arrangement became law in the US, then it would be "illegal" for him to export his code. Graham has produced various pieces of software in the past, including BlackICE, a firewall product used to defend computer systems from attack. BlackICE is given as an example of the kind of software that would fall into the regulated category of the Wassenaar Arrangement, according to Bratus’ paper, because it modified part of the Windows operating system. Bratus and the other researchers have thought of a solution though. "The anti-surveillance intent of Wassenaar will, however, be fully fulfilled if surveillance-enabling software and hardware were to be addressed directly. We propose such a direct approach: targeting exfiltration, which is a key part of surveillance, rather than the vague and overbroad intrusion." Whereas intrusion is the act of getting into a system, exfiltration is the taking of data. "In nearly all of surveillance scenarios, surveillance software sends sensitive data to a command-and-control center operated by the government," the researchers continue. So, instead of surveillance software being defined as something that breaks into a computer, it should be seen as software that secretly steals sensitive information from a target, the authors argue. Members of the public can comment until July 20 to raise any concerns they have about the Arrangement. Judging by the security community’s reaction, plenty will be doing so.

The best free application for your tablet

One of the best things about having a tablet is downloading free apps to help optimize and personalize the device. No matter what your interests are, there are dozens of apps available. Including the popular Facebook and Twitter apps, which help millions of users keep in touch with friends and stay up to date on the latest happenings, there are thousands of free Android apps available. Here are some of the best free Android apps: Skype Skype has become an incredibly popular form of communication. Though it offers a telephone-like service, most people use Skype to video-chat with friends or family across the state, country or globe. Skype is communication in the 21st century, so why not add it-for free-to your 21st-century device? Foursquare Both Skype and Facebook started out on laptop computers, but have since become available as tablet apps. Foursquare, on the other hand, was built for mobile devices. It allows users to access a social network where they and other users notify each other when they have arrived at a public location-the bar, the dog park, the basketball game, etc.-so users can meet up with people they know. Foursquare is the app that, rather than encouraging people to stare at their screens all day, tries to bring people together face-to-face. Google Maps Navigation Everyone needs to know where they're going, right? Whether you're traveling by foot, bike, car or Segway, just plug in your destination and Google Maps will tell you how to get there. The Apple Maps debacle of 2012-and the iPhone community's subsequent return to Google Maps-highlighted two things: 1) How difficult building a successful map application is, and 2) just how good a job Google has done with its map navigation app. Guvera Guvera is an online music streaming service committed to offering listeners an unparalleled music streaming experience anywhere, anytime. You can legally access millions of tracks from your favourite local and international artists via your smartphone, tablet or the web. Our Play service is ad funded which means you can discover and play the best expert curated music from around the globe at no cost. Subscribe to our Platinum service and you can effortlessly search, discover, play, manage and share all the music you love. It's your ultimate on-demand music library. #Play is a unique feature of the service that is accessible by both Play and Platinum users. Listeners can tailor a music experience based on your current mood, activity or preferences by searching for and listening to music using hashtags. Guvera is committed to transforming the way you experience music and advancing the digital entertainment industry through award-winning innovation and technology. Evernote This hugely successful app allows users to store memory, called "notes," on their tablet. "Notes" can come in the form of just about any data, such as a typed page, Web page, handwritten note (written with either finger or stylus), photo or voice memo. With Evernote, users can keep their most important information in one neat, organized place. Amazon Kindle Are you a reader? The company that kick-started the e-reader craze has a free Android app, so even if users haven't bought a Kindle device, they can still purchase and read books on their tablet. This allows access to not only books, but books on tape, music and the rest of the Amazon community. Yelp With Yelp on their tablet, users can check out restaurants and venues on the go. Yelp is an online community that offers individual and composite reviews of the places we all go to gather. For users who have recently relocated to a new city or even just a new neighborhood, Yelp, allows them to select a restaurant, night club, doctor or other service provider that meets their needs. In addition to nightlife and entertainment, the Yelp community also discusses and rates home services, auto repair shops and other areas of day-to-day life. Ebay Ebay is one of the Internet's pioneers that remains the premier online marketplace for buying and selling, despite challenges from competitors like Amazon and Craigslist. The online retailer's Android app shows just why: Ebay has taken each new development and figured out how to use it to make its users' experience easier. Ebay has stayed relevant by staying current. That means that when users add the Ebay app to their Android tablet, they're not only getting access to a gigantic online marketplace; they're also betting on one of the world's most successful and durable companies. Flickr Flickr's gigantic online photo-sharing community is open to users to access easily with its Android app. Flickr's genius-and its popularity-lies in its simplicity. With the Flickr app, consumers can easily view, post and share an unlimited amount of pictures with friends. Whether they're an amateur or a professional, Flickr's worth it (and like everything else on this list, it's free!). As you can see, these free Android apps open up a range of possibilities to just about anyone. Whether you're buying and selling goods, sharing photos or organizing an event, using these apps on your Android device makes it easy to do what you want.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Google adsense tips and tricks

Google AdSense Tips and Tricks The Google AdSense solution is used by millions of web masters around the world. Some of them have great success and good income, while others get only a few dollars. Here we will share some basic tips which are known to help increase the revenue generated through Google AdSense. First, you should choose the advertisement block format which best suits your web site visual style. The experience shows that the 336x280 Large Rectangle, the 300x250 Medium Rectangle, and the 160x600 Wide Skyscraper are the most effective shapes. Still, you should mind the visual appearance of your web pages when you insert the AdSense code. If you have a little space for ads, the best solution will be the link unit format. Additionally, you should pick the most suitable color palette for your ads block. If you have a light background on your web site, it is better to use a similar light palette for the AdSense box. The contrast choice for an ads box palette is good only for web sites with dark background. Still, it is better to pick a color which already exists in your web site. It is better to create an ads unit which includes both text and images. In this way both will be displayed and this will increase the chance to get a click on an advertisement by a web site visitor. Next, you should consider the location of the ads on your web pages. Probably the best position of the advertisements is in the top / header of your site. However, this can break the consistency of your content, so you should be careful using such a solution. Other good locations are just below the navigation bar, above the footer and in the left menu area. You should always put yourself in the visitors' shoes and look to the web site from their point of view. If the ads block makes you feel uncomfortable while browsing the web site, you should consider a different position or formatting. Additionally, you should define the number of the advertisement units per page. There are some restrictions about it. You are allowed to have up to three advertisement units per page (in addition to three link units and three referral units). If you have a web site with a lot of content, which requires the visitors to scroll down the pages or you manage a forum or a blog, it is wise to put more AdSense blocks. However, always make sure that the main unit which will generate the major part of the revenue is loaded first in the web site source code. In case you wonder, if you place more than 3 ads units on a page only the first 3 will appear. Detailed instructions on how to improve the efficiency of your AdSense blocks can be found in the Google AdSense resources section:

عالم ادسنس الواسع

اخواني ما جعلني اكتب هذا الموضوع نقاط كثيرة لاحظتها لديكم اولا والحمدلله انا لي خبرة كبيرة بالتعامل مع ادسنس تفوق الثلاث سنوات تقريبا وواكبت جميع مراحل تطور هذا النظام الذكي بداياتي مع ادسنس كنت استغل الكلمات المفتاحية للموقع لجلب اعلانات مستهدفة ...فتجدني املىء الموقع بكلمات الفوركس والماركيتنغ والان سورينس حتى يجلبهم لي كود ادسنس فسعر النقرة كبير لهذه الكلمات لكن مع المدة تغير نظام جوجل كثيرا واصبح اكثر تعقيدا ولم يعد ساذجا لكي افتتح مدونة مجانية املئها بمئة موضوع عن الفوركس وبعدها احصل على عدد نقرات محدود بقيمة عالية هذا كله اصبح من الماضي البعيد ماذا تبدل ؟ اليوم اخواني نلاحظ الكثير من المواقع والبرامج التي تمنحكم الكلمات الاعلى قيمة في نقرات ادسنس مثلا الكلمة التالية حسب برنامج كي لايت وعدة مواقع اخرى قيمتها 30 دولار للنقرة  purchase structured settlements حسنا ماذا سنستفيد نحن من هذه الكلمة والله والحق يقال اخواني قديما كانت كلمة كهذه تاتيني تقريبا ب 150 دولار شهريا فقط ن عدد زيارت محدود مستهدف يعني زواري شهريا لا يتجاوزون 500 بعدد نقرات محدود لكن الان لا يوجد اي فائدة ترجى منها انظروا المدونة التالية للتوضيح صنعتها فقط بموضوع واحد هو الكلمة السابقة كنت اريد اثبات ما توصلت اليه والحمدلله الان استطيع ان اخبركم انني كنت على حق فسعر النقرة فيها لم يتجاوز 5 سنتات تغيرت سياسة جوجل اخواني الكلمة السابقة 30 دولار لكن لو تضع بموقعك موضوع كامل عنها وكلمات مفتاحية عنها ووصف عنها فكل هذا لن ياتيك باكثر من 5 سنتات على الاكثر ؟؟لماذا !!؟؟؟ سياسة جوجل الجديدة تطمع لاستفادة الناشر لاقصى درجة من اعلاناته يعني كيف تحصل على سعر النقرة كاملا اقتباس لو فرضنا انك تملك موقع عن الفوريكس على سبيل المثال كيف تهيئه لكي تربح اعلى قيمة من كلمة فوريكس ؟ 1-دومين الموقع هل له علاقة مباشرة بموضوع النقرة من قريب او بعيد يعني لو كان الدومين اكيد سيكون اقوى من حيث القيمة لنقرات الفوريكس من دومين لا معنى له مثل 2-ثاني نقطة مهمة لتحديد سعر النقرة زخم الكلمة بالموقع يعني موقع يحتوي على الف موضوع عن الفوركس ليس كموقع يحتوي 100 ....وهنا لا يسعني الا التذكير بالمحتوى الفريد والاصلي والمفيد - يعني الاخوان اللي ينسخون مواضيع من مواقع اخرى ويعيدون صياغتها ببرامج rewriter اقول لكم ما تفعلونه لن يفيدكم بشيء بادسنس لان جودة الموضوع سيئة وليست بذات قيمة لغوية 3- الزائر ومن اين جاء ؟ نقطة مهمة جدا فمثلا زائر جاء للموقع من امريكا اكيد سيعامل بشكل افضل من شخص جاء من فرنسا او السعودية او الوطن العربي او حتى اليابان - لان اللغة الانجليزية لها دول محددة تتحدث فيها- .....فلو ضغط شخص جاء من السعودية على الكلمة لاختلف السعر عن شخص امريكي مثلا يضغط عل الكلمة وهكذا دواليك 4- نقطة مهمة بدء جوجل في تشريعها جديدا وهي الاعتماد على سجل الويب الخاص بك بالتعاون مع شركة موزيلا اضافة الى متصفحه الاشهر كروم - ...فجوجل عندما يجد شخص زار موقعك ولده سجل سابق من الزيارات لمواقع تتحدث عن نفس محتوى موقعك اكيد سيكون افضل من شخص ول مرة يزور موقع كموقعك لكي تفهمني لو جاء شخص لموقعك الذي يملك الدومين التالي مثلا وكان الشخص امريكي وموقعك بالكامل يتحدث عن الفوريكس ومواضيعك كثيرة ولديك زخم كمي كبير من كلمة forex سيبحث جوجل بسجل الويب لهذا الشخص اعتمادا على ما قام به هذا الشخص من زيارات لمواقع سابقة وعمليات بحث بمحرك جوجل فلو وجد جوجل هذا الشخص قد زار عدة مواقع للفوريكس قبل موقعك هنا سيفهم جوجل ان الشخص مهتم بالفوريكس وهذه نقطة اضافية تجعل هذا الشخص مفيد للناشر بنظر جوجل يعطيك قيمة اعلى للنقرة من شخص اخر لم يسبق له زياة اي موقع فوريكس وزار موقعك لاول مرة فهنا يعتبر جوجل هذا الزائر غير مستهدف وغير مهتم ,.... 5- الوقت ؟ فالشخص بعد نقره على الاعلان كم المدة التي يقضيها بالموقع المعلن عنه هنا تاتي نقطة مهمة فالشخص الذي ينقر ويتصفح الموقع الذي نقر عليه لمدة طويلة اكيد هنا سيعامله جوجل معاملة خاصة ليست كمعاملة شخص ضغط وخرج مباشرة  6- وهي نقطة تتعلق بمواقع البيع والشراء فمثلا لو كان موقعك يحتوي على اعلانات عن شركات بيع معدات صناعية او حجوزات طيران فالشخص الذي ينقر وبعد ان يدخل الموقع يشتري او يحجز بمبلغ ما هنا يتم احتساب سعر النقرة بشكل كامل لك .... اذا اخواني كملخص سريع لما ذكرته لديك موقع ما لنعتبر انه موقع عن الفوريكس دومين الموقع له علاقة بالفوريكس بشكل مباشر الموقع يحوي مواضيع كثيرة عن الفوريكس الزوار ياتون من دول ناطقة بلغة الموقع - انجليزية غالبا - .... الزوار مهتمين ويزورون مواقع شبيهة لموقعك الزائر بعد النقر قضى وقت مناسب بالموقع الذي نقر عليه الزائر اشترى من الموقع الذي زاره او حجز لديه او سجل فيه بغض النظر عن نشاط الموقع هنا ان تحققت كل هذه الشروط فاعلم انك ستكسب 30 دولار كاملة سعر النقرة اما في حال الاخلال باحد هذه الشروط فليكن في علمك ان السعر سينخفض كثيرا وممكن جدا تجد لديك ان النقرة لم تتجاوز ال 20 سنت في حالات كثيرة ...
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